Lately I keep coming back home in 40 minutes. 40 fucking minutes of me left alone with a mindfuck. I know it's not any first time kind of experience, blame damn Cracovian streets, but sometimes I think too much and it is hard trying to shut up all the ideas in my head. As Winona Ryder said, "If it fucking existed I'd thought of that."
I don't wanna sound like some freaking drama queen, though, being stuck in the last bus I thought, gosh, maybe I am actually a lucky person. I mean, usually Lady Irony of Life do not touch me, rather pokes me but it's not like a slap in a face. Usually not. So, in between of one kid in a baby carriage crying and a mother trying to make him wearing a hat, I thought, "Yeah, maybe I could be wrong with my ideas, but how is that even possible when they represent what I experienced at the moment of presenting them?" I already got tired of getting angry,so I shall sum up the talk I had lately with a meme.
Another 40 minutes, somehow almost always decorated with crying babies in the background, I've spent on the thing that I guess most of my friends experience in the buses, that is thinking about stories. Maybe it's a little bit like this quote I've found on tumblr lately that the mind is addicted to telling stories. If that's the case mine should get a detox long ago.
Anyway, I got rly involved in this one particular project I am working on and~ well, let's say, the problem is not the way I imagine the ending but the way I cannot think of a continuation. Of course, my pinata brain gives me a bunch of possibilities for the themes and problems, but what with the main charas? Should I change their background or what? It's not like I cannot start writing without a cont in my mind but I wish it could cover at least one more story. (I have three covers, they deserve at least some text :P).
Food! Yes that's what gets somewhere in between all those storm of ideas. That's interesting, now when I think of it, I never thought about my charas' fav food - I mean it's not the most important thing, but, ha!
Lately I have a good flow in the kitchen. Food planning gets quite important when you don't have much time for cooking during the day :P. Therefore, from time to time, my minds is traveling over the kitchen. Sometimes I think it's the only place when you cannot allow your thoughts getting you mindfucked, because it's too easy to screw sth up then. So, when I already get to the kitchen, magic happens, hoho. Sadly, mostly the vegetarian magic, but I'm proud of my latest invention. Just look at this awesome pepper-pumpkin soup with tamagoyaki and a bread roll with shallot-garlic butter! Perfection obtained makes the mind find its ease.
*żre jeszcze raz oczami*