Sunday, October 27, 2013

that don't impress me much

There are days in which students just do not want to cooperate. It gets pretty complicated when you teach a language and there is no way in hell the lesson can get along without saying a word. Unfortunatelly, every little prince/princess has these days from time to time, so usually one tries to be at least understanding and elicit any work at all. But hey, damn you kid, sometimes I have bad days too, ya' know?

I mean, damn it, from time to time even I am less a Wonder Woman* and more Just A Woman. Like the day fucking kid didn't want to cooperate at all. I woke up in a very bad mood. As 90% of my groupmates I am probably "a little lost" when it comes to my thesis. Also, that day I felt very homesick - yes, homesick. I am 23 yo, grown up woman, and still from time to time I feel homesick - though, on the other hand, maybe it's just my brain telling me "Hey, after all you are not THAT heartless bitch if you can feel anything at all. Take that." On the top of that my weekend plans got smashed by the wrecking ball, and there was no Miley Cyrus on that, but a bunch of books saying "Come and write with us, two projects for next week."

So all in was I was really like: fuck this, fuck that...

And then, you get the bus/sit in front of the radio console/idk open fucking teacher's books and you just adjust the mood from "I need a hug/spaceship and a pumpkin latte" to "Come on! Let's do this!" The wonders of humanity you say? NO. It's just fucking motivation shit. At the point when students just do not want to cooperate and you are all like "Damn it, I can't do it. Chirst, what the fuck am I doing anyway?", take a deep breath and a pause.

Just need take some time for oneself, go shopping [buy nothing], do some freaking exercise [like clean the whole fucking apartment]. make a freaking good tiramisu, invest in yourself, take an online writing course, take a long bath, make a quiche. Yes, motherfucking quiche and make it SO good that it's better than any food porn u've seen ever.

At precious moments like that I kinda understand how Hannibal could be such a well psychiatrist and cook as well - oh lord, there's only a few better ways of relaxation than putting your heart and hands in the kitchen (yes there's a pun of a certain nature intended). So let me just sit in front of TV, watch some stupid movie like Spaceballs and sink my lips and mind in a delicious hot pumpkin chocolate, because that's what I apparently need.

*It doesn't mean I think superheroes should be flawless, because if they were, would it make us believe in them? I guess not.

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