Thursday, October 10, 2013

wake me up cont.

This note shall come as a kind of a follow up for the previous note that I wrote here. I made this statement that all in all when it comes to writing the most important is "not to stop". But I feel I haven't give it enough attention or explanation so here comes another piece on what does it mean "not to stop writing" and why it matters.

I don't remember when the idea for creative writing circle appeared in my and my listeners collective mind. Probably from the common need to break the back of an old uncle art-block. I guess every single one of us found himself or herself in this infamous state? So you basically know what I am talking about here: blank pages, wall-stares, a deep and confusing sea of absolutely nothing. The thing we've done was to bring some change in  most obvious ways, like writing a story that would contain this and that or write a scene that may happen in such and such place. Basically, the original goal was to start writing again.

The only problem with this approach is, do we really need to start over again or is it about not to allow yourself to stop? When one is stuck in an art-block, one of the pieces of advice they may hear is to re-read what they've already written.  Personally, I always had a little problem with this idea, because it usually makes me wandering around the same blind alley but on the opposite side of the writing town. First of all, it makes me question too many things that aren't really important, like "Why did I stop?" or "Where did I stop?"  and the king of such, "Who does it make me?"

In Polish we have this very pretty word for writers that is "pisarz" or "pisarka", if it's about women. I have to say, it sounds very professional and serious. Like, when I think about who is a "pisarz" I always see big names like King or Atwood, so generally well-known people with a lot of fans and place in literary critique lectures, giving speeches at pop-culture conventions etc. The point is, I seriously cannot get myself into telling my friends or family that what I am doing in most of my time is being a "pisarz," but I am 100% sure of being a writer*. It really grind my gears when I see my creative writing circle, getting really well, doing a good job on their first steps in fan fiction, or whatever they are working on, and still saying things like "I dream about being a writer someday", because, obviously if you write, you are a writer, since that's what writers do.

I think the problem is that it takes a lot to realize this fact. And here we are back to the basic question. If you are in art block, but still you are a writer, does it mean that you have ever stopped writing? In my house there's probably still a very profound set of papers to be found that is associated with my writing. When I was in high school my school published my own poetry book. When I was in middle school my poems got published in some popular magazine for teens, well, back when it was still about something more than celebrities and fashion. When I was in primary school I was writing my own stories and even reading them to other children when it was after the classes. Heck yeah, when I was even younger I was writing my own stage plays and staging short plays for my parents with my sis (they were really written down, with pictures). So the thing is, I guess if you are very much in it, you never stop. Call it a pause or some silent days between you and your keyboard, whatever. You do not stop, because you are not physically and mentally able to do so.

And here we are - if you need some words of encouragement, I cannot think of anything better to say. Do not stop. Do not think about beginning some writing, whatever it is, a fanfic, a first attempt to write a play or a comic script, do not see it as a "start," because every start needs an end. Place it somewhere close to a ring after and intermission in the theater. It makes the whole experience much easier, and one's head much lighter of any problems with right labels.

* At least my alter-ego is

* You know, this entry got really sponsored by Alexander Castle being glad he didn't die today and new coffee. 

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