Tuesday, October 8, 2013

i need coffee, now.

I found myself getting stressed when there is too little caffeine in my blood, you know. Initially I thought, well, maybe it's about studies/work/shithesis but, nah. I'm pretty sure the problem lies in lack of caffeine.Scientifically, the most caffeine one may find in tea, but even though I drink a sea of tea daily *IT RHYMES* I feel like I lack this one, very specific type of caffeine from coffee. Everything due to the intended detox caused by our coffee getting stale. I really need to buy a new pack soon.

Lately I read that when it comes to getting ideas, having a beer is actually much better than drinking coffee. What are the chances? Does it mean I should get some lager soon? I guess it does.

Anyway, at last I've challenged myself to write a sketch for a crime story. I am so proud of myself, there is everything I wanted to contain in a quite simple way. Now I need to divide the whole into chapters and start writing. I hope I will get myself in at least a few hours of pure writing weekly - my big goal is to find at least 7h a week - I know it's no good to keep writing that strict but I have a serious organization shit going on.

Yeah, yeah, one may ask, what the hell do I spend the day on when I have only two days of studies and working in the afternoon? Well, I still do the radio hosting, even though it goes on mornings it's rather engaging. Also homeworks need someone to check them etc. On the top of that I need time to get my hands into the shithesis (I really like this word) and sometimes I just want to get an hour or two to watch my TV show or play Bioshock Infinite. 

Btw, OMG I've seen the latest DLC trailer lately and it's AWESOME. Gosh, I adore this game so much, I've already miss it, even though I've still haven't finished the gameplay.

  I guess the truth is I'm gonna miss Booker's voice the most :P.


  1. Nadal nie macie tej kawy XDD?

    Ja od ponad pół roku unikam wszystkiego co kryminalne/detektywistyczne/policyjne - tak bardzo przestał mi pasować ten gatunek X'D

    1. No XDDD nie mogę się pozbierać żeby kupić XDDD.

      Ja uwielbiam kryminały, podoba mi się sama konstrukcja, bo w zależności od pomysłu można w niej wiele namieszać.
