Monday, September 30, 2013

wake me up

I wonder if there will be any good of this entry, because I have a cold and I took my medicines, a bigger dose than usual, so I feel a little high :P. Though, call it a sudden urge to write driven by idk maybe an actual need to fill a lot of documents or to concentrate on serious writing (neh, thesis shemsis). Anyway, let me tell you one thing about writing that got stuck in my mind today.

The truth is that the most important factor, and probably the hardest one to maintain, is not to start writing. It's not to stop.

We all love life-experience examples (right~) so let me use one to help me illustrate the thing. Back in my days at teachers' college I was made to write a tone of dull stuff, like diaries, documents, lesson plans, essays and so on, and so forth. After some time of course, it got less intensive, but it doesn't mean that it got less meaningful. I'm pretty sure that you know what I mean if you do any daily writing, not only the creative kind.

So the truth is, if writing continues, whatever the form is, it's still pretty addictive. Hell knows, maybe by filling another set of documents I'm gonna get one more bright idea about it? (keeps fingers crossed for the exams time, always the most creative season LOL).

On the other news, how the hell did I got cold? Maybe it's the weather, probably under 0*C at night lately; maybe it's the stress of coming back to uni; most probably it's because of teaching job; also I guess it's since we went to FMF festival and it was very cold there (and a tone of people).

At least we celebrated it with this pretty very late dinner (as a proper fannibal I appriciate a good snack as a finishing touch even more). It's zucchini tempura served with eggs and a warm dark beer w/currant jam.

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