Tuesday, September 24, 2013

i can see clearly now

One never knows how much joy seeing Virginia Evans gives unless one gives EFL classes to children and finally you get a B1 student. I have never felt so much satisfaction at just browsing through my old books from teachers' college like this one time yesterday, while planning on a course for this student. Seriously, it starts looking like a personal vendetta, but really, those are just good books. Owh Thomson & Martinet, I'm gonna get to you two as well, hohoho.

 I don't say there is anything that work in the disadvantage of young learners especially, but it's just nice to get a small talk instead of almost-a-talk. Although, I guess in order to teach kids well you need to think like a kid a little for this 1-2 hours. Like, remember that every time you get tired by some activity, the kid is already 10x more tired and probably thinking about killing you in your sleep (lol). Just be prepared at asking questions like how do you make a blue igloo or why all the people cannot speak one language. At least here linguistics comes in handy, as the best tool for flirting and feeding kids' curiosity.

Though seriously, sometimes they say things like "Mouse and cheese doesn't rhyme" and the only thing you can say is: 

Also, I wish they could pay me for the work done at home. I know it's a popular stereotype but one of the reasons I am getting like super-uber organized is that I still have a lot to do at home even if I spend only 2-3 hours daily at work :P. I come back, I need to print materials, write a weekly plan, maybe write a monthly plan (Gosh, I need to finish writing one today~... nah, do not wanna.), check the homeworks, etc, etc. 

Still it brings a little satisfaction every single fucking time a kid remembers that this is not a tee, and not a tie, but a bow-tie.  I am a hell of a teacher lol.

Well, still the thing I am the most glad about is that I got my weekly plan for Uni and it took only one group to change so I can still keep my teaching job almost unchanged. I will wait some more time and think about more students :P. Please Buddha/Allah/Takki/God/Spaghetti God/Shiva/whoever keep this awesome plan as it is so I can keep the job going.

My organization made me currently searching for some balance between hobby and all the other stuff and I am still glad I could keep my radio job too: I guess at least for this year I will have to deal with getting morning hours. Yes it was my own idea, even though I know that I am not the mot talkative person in the morning and still the listening rate in the morning cannot be high.. On the other hand, I am too addicted so I asked myself, do I really need to resign or I can get going with morning hours? So now, I am becoming a morning DJ :P.

Although, let's talk about the balance when it comes to writing. Imposibiru. I know I should be already planning my MS paper, trust me, I am [trying to do so]. Though seriously with my bday gift from my personal Will - let's say it made me dig out some old ideas. I know this was more a pun but I really though about writing criminals for more than 400 signs during creative writing hours. So now I have a plot, some charas and even covers. <3

Wish me luck and give me a kick in the ass.


  1. Ja mam ochote napisac cos na konkurs opowiadan Kotori, ale wiem, ze do Bielekiego mi daleko :<

  2. A propos tej roboty nauczycielskiej w domu - mało co mnie tak wkurza, jak gadanie, że nauczyciele to mają nieźle bo wakacje wolne i mniej godzin w tygodniu niż reszta zawodów :| a przecież jest jeszcze pełno papierkowej roboty, sprawdziany i niewiadomoco jeszcze.

    Ej no, mój prezent to nie tylko pun XD ja serio chętnie bym to poczytała:)

    1. Ej ja to serio chcę napisać XDDD tylko muszę to rozpisać. Przyda się dużo kartke i kolorowe długopisy xd.
