Thursday, September 12, 2013

a very confused pinata

I'm kind of tired today, but, since I am writing this entry like forever, I'm just gonna write whatever I feel like. And I feel like I could make my writing more systematized, after all, everything I do now is mostly organizing. I mean it, I can't imagine my life now without a big binder with tone of calendar pages to write on. I remember finding all those 'printable organizing... stuff for teachers' quite funny before, but now I need to make a point - they are saving life.

Besides, who doesn't like free printables?

Yes, the joy of teaching came with September air. I  have to say, I find it quite entertaining. Even the use of some new methods is quite... enjoyable (I mean, please, never tired of Necronomicon-kinda teachers' books). Besides, it's nice to be busy with some work AT LAST. Therefore, so far, I've managed to get as many hours as possible, because, let's get it clear:

 I hope I could keep them also next month but everything depends on school :P.

Geez, school. I STILL haven't found a right theme for my thesis. Really. I mean, I still keep to the theory according to which a writer's head is like a pinata full of ideas - so all in all it's easy to say 'I have no idea what to write about,' but in the reality it's more like 'I have too many damn ideas and I don't know what to choose.' I hope for some light in this area, but the more articles I read around the topics I'm thinking about, the more lost I get. Isn't it silly how probably the worst thing about writing a thesis isn't doing the reading or writing but actually choosing the topic?

Somehow, it makes me very confused about what to do next. I mean, fine, I am here starting with my MBs Thesis but then what? I like learning, I want to learn more, especially now when I've finally found an area(s) at which I feel sure (it's not about European studies, jfyi). The thing is, I really need work and it would be best to find a regular position. Well if it would work fine I could go to some post-graduate school and learn the things I want anyway. Though, one of my big dreams, about which I know I am capable to obtain, is to get PhD, though, I don't want to get it in ESs (because of the areas of academic interests mentioned before). So, I am rly confused, because, together with organizing craze I cannot see what will happen like even next month and planning a lot ahead kills me. 

One would say, so just let it go, but I can't stop over analyzing. Damn.

I don't even say about hobbies. I really need to get more organized with writing. It's too addicting.