Monday, August 5, 2013


So I had my daily writing limit today (I guess so) but since it's a day of misogynist shit today I shall not go to bed yet.

Here's the list of things I'm tired of today: I am tired of some men still believing we are living in some kind of 18th C without women being able to go to space or being presidents. Today I've 'learnt' that the whole matter of our poor existence is look and still it's way too low in according to "high" standards of some people. I am tired of some men believing that it's them who have the right to tell things without a proper support for their words, but it's not appropriate for women to do the same.  I've also learnt that when you make something labeled "a girl thing" there are many more guys interested in this than girls and this is not even noisy, it's just weird.

I've also learnt that Moffat is a douche bag but let me introduce you to a post here for further reading.

Here I will pause my feminist rant, but only because I want to leave some for: a) my other blog and write about a movie I've watched with Otai and my personal Will last weekend, and b) writing some mysterious thesis. It's hard to write but it's still fun and brings me to the conclusion that I should finally start planning my MS paper...

Someday, someday. I still believe it's gonna be one of a few MS papers about feminism.

On the other news, I've finished my painting last week!

best way to spend the heat ever

It took me a whole afternoon to paint such a small thing but it was worth it! It looks amazing! I hope I could find a right frame for this :P. Still, ppl find it pretty so I may even did fine with this one, yay! Now I was asked to paint a nightmare stag but I still have some things to write left, so it will have to wait till at least next weekend.

On the other news, since Otai got her comic book published I bought one and I'm still excited about this.

even got an autograph, fufufu
It's pretty and I am so proud of her. I told my beautiful parents that it's some kind of romance but I don't think they found it that interesting to actually read the thing. Or maybe they did but I haven't noticed hmm. That's also a possibility.

Actually I am getting well on social interaction lately, hahah. My inner introvert still takes pleasure in spending afternoons on sole reading but I even got friendly with some fellow fannibal lately and look what she did when I told her about my cats (btw, her cat is super cute though he's like 15). Need to invite her for dinner someday.


  1. Aaaaw <3 W sumie szkoda, ze nie po angielsku to wydalam, bo wtedy nikt by nie ogarnal kto jest jakiej plci i bym to spokojnie mogla pokazywac nieswiadomym ludziom xD

    Ja sie nie moge zabrac do pisania w sumie, tak, ze zazdroszcze takiej motywacji XD

    1. Dobry wnerw najlepszą motywacją. Numerem dwa jest ewentualnie za dużo alkoholu ale to ciężko zedytować :P.

      Następnym razem zawsze możesz zrobić dwie wersje językowe XD.

  2. Przyszłam kibicować feminist rants, mam nadzieję, że planujesz rozwinąć ten temat jak będziesz miała więcej czasu, bo tutaj zaczęło się rozkręcać i nagle koniec ;)

    A poza tym lubię jak mnie nazywasz swoim Willem <3

    1. Meh, się już zdążyłam nawnerwiać jednorazowo więc chwilowo koniec XD. Ale napisze o Kenshinie tylko na blogu radiowym bo tak xd.

