Saturday, July 27, 2013

to empower is to write

I want to say, I'm not the most artistic-crafty type of person, but every year comes the time at which I just feel a burning need to get myself dirty with paint, gum crumbs and lead. This time has come, and I have no idea what I'm doing. 
At first I thought, hey, I really like peacock feathers. We even have one in the living room (original, got from some Indonesian guys). I should draw it. I grabbed a pencil and drew it. I looked at my drawing and got an idea to make it a painting, but hell, I have no idea how to color such a feather. 

I took a photo of my drawing, put it in Fresh Paint, opened some photos of feathers and tried to full my sketch with colors.

And now I'm left with this "almost a reasonable piece of art" and that - I found some hard paper, cut it and sketched the feather:

I'm pretty sure it will be nothing like the digital idea, but do I look like I care?
I guess I will finish it off tomorrow. I need to find my water colors, and maybe change the place, since there's hardly any fresh air in this room, especially when the time of the heat wave came.

Yes, it got hot, at last! I mean, srsly, it's July, how could it even get under 10*C at night?! I know the weather tends to be a whimsical thing but for Thor's sake - I want to get tanned and a little dehydrated, dreaming of an evening gentle wind. 

Summer yeah!

Yeah! With this weather I can do whatever for the whole day. Like watching Comic Con Nerd HQ Panels. So far I've seen the one with Fillion&Tudyk team - they are both amazingly hilarious and keep getting weird funny ideas all the time. I've also started watching the one with Hiddleston (haven't finished yet) and I'm planning to watch the panel with Sherlock staff and of course Hannibal producers. I love 21. C - I can just click play and see what happened only few hours ago (or rather few days, since I guess all the vids were uploaded on 21st?). I still would appreciate some live streaming, like it was with E3, but maybe they had one and I didn't know about it. Anyway, Thor bless Nerd HQ.

The other thing that I do daily is reading, of course. Since I feel deeply involved in HeAteUs, I've started reading the Hannibal series so far and omg you don't even want to know what Harris does to my imagination! A lot, needles to say, a lot! Red Dragon was awesome, absolutely astonishing - I loved all about that book, the tempo, the characters, perspective, plot twists and playing on my feelings. Then I took a dive into Silence of The Lambs and even though I heard my friend saying that this book is rather different than the previous one I still have so much feelings about Silence than I could imagine. So far I may say, the main plot was so intense and I've enjoyed seeing Dr. Lecter as a more active character. Also, it touched me so bad I still can't process my feelings steadily :P.

This is me reading Tomas Harris
 On the other news, seems I will have to go to Cracow for some time next week but I got an offer of giving a panel about food for the nearest anime con there so I guess I will have to go there some more often soon. I liked this panel so it should be fine, though I wanted to make the text public on my radio blog, but owh well, it will wait. Still I wonder if I'm still on the flow with taking anime cons etc Whatever that means - it sounded better in my head.

So far, going back to writing and stuff.

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