Friday, August 9, 2013

am I wrong for being fine?

Lately I talked with some of my long-time-haven't-seen family members (one of the few good sides of social media). I am great at little talks so usually while being asked about how are things going and so on I answer good/very well/great. The same family members later were calling my parents while they, in comparison, were rather bragging about how bad/awful/terrible it is now. Clash.

You know, there is this saying "Do not ask a Polish how they are, otherwise they will tell you how they are really doing." And, don't mind me wrong, I know the reality and my parents' attitude to exaggerate things. Though, I still feel that being positive while everything is not going quite well is seen as rather naive.

I am not going to fool you, I am not a flawless person when it comes to perceiving the environment. I am constantly broke since left the college, well, since the crisis everyone is broke anyway, with a job that could be more engaging during summer, not ever sure if satisfied with the studies, with constant health trouble and problems fitting in the category "everyone has stuff that they are not talking about". It doesn't create the most positive image but at the same time it certainly does not intrude on my telling people "How is it going? Great."

To be honest, lately I've even doubted whether I shall continue with my Asia-concerned hobbies anymore. I am a realist when it comes to my job and I don't expect people listening to the radio while we're having a great summer time and I wish for everybody to go see some world. On the long-term matter, I don't even expect myself digging in it forever. Nevertheless, the activity during shows got slightly lower and  you never know how much pain in the ass is such a low decrease unless you find yourself with some spare time on air.

And then, in all of this very hard work occupied with a very low feedback I got some comments like "You know, lately you were talking about this and that so I tried it out and it's awesome" or "hey, I am here and there but I am listening to your show anyway, yay". Also, since I am hell of a teacher I am kind of hosting some writing sessions and people do enjoy this and even ask me whenever we can have another meeting. You see, those are rather trivial things but they instantly made me feel better about what I am doing.

So yes, it is a natural thing to brag about your life like I just did here (and you don't want to hear my inner conversations, trust me). Nonetheless, never ending complaints about life can be troublesome and I am to work very hard on reminding this to myself: be it a matter of age, experience or surroundings, I can understand them, but I wanna stay positive. I still have a good family, friends and some self-realisation going on - it's certainly not naive and enough to be well when things are going wrong. Besides, it's just a bad day, maybe two, maybe a week or year, not a bad life.
Well, if it goes too far I can still come back to meditations like I did yesterday - on the time of terrible heats you can only sit and think anyway. So I did and I discovered after such a long pause it's so easy to leave the body but so hard to go back :P.

Besides I found a great comic about it, hahah (personally I rather think of nothing during meditations, but that's some idea):


  1. Czasem lepiej jest nie myśleć za dużo po prostu @_@' Zwłaszcza nad tym czy porzucić jakieś hobby czy nie. To powinno ''odejść'' naturalnie i wrócić naturalnie, jeśli oczywiście nadejdzie cię kiedyś jakaś ochota. Nie powinnaś myśleć kategoriami czy z czymś skończyć czy nie, dużo zdrowiej i sensowniej jest po prostu iść za falą \_O/*plusk*

    1. Sportowe metafory, I can see what you did there. To nie tak że chcę coś od razu rzucać bo mam słabszy sezon XD tylko wiem, że nie mogę w tym siedzieć wiecznie, chyba że zaczną mi kiedyś płacić. Tymbardziej, że jestem w tym dobra.

    2. Zanim ci sie znudzi musisz mnie znowu zaprosic na wspolne prowadzenie audycji XDDD

    3. Chciałabym mieć do tego skonfigurowany mix stereo, ale jak go nie mam to źle, a jak go już posiadam to jeszcze gorzej XDDD Technologia.
