Sunday, July 14, 2013


I need to admit I've never felt so dry with writing and so anxious about it ever before. I literally eat up all the texts about literary criticism, writing tips, characters design, writing techniques and everything. Yet, I get all blank when I stare at my own notes or the PC screen (or both). I ,mean seriously, I've been writing this entry since Wednesday. Not to mention, I still want to finish the note for the other blog about Japanese mags but it's almost impossible rn, even though I do know a lot about this topic and there is nothing easier in the entire world than writing about fashion magazines.

And I still end up like this:

Remember the fucking linden? I found a way to make our coexistence a little smoother! I bless the days when I found bollywood interesting and I felt an urgent need to complete my wardrobe with some sexy saris. Apparently, they make perfect curtains.

this is my design
Of course, since the day I did it to the window, the weather broke and it's raining. What are the chances, ne?

Btw, if I already tackled the topic of Bollywood - this made my day much brighter - I need to say, Priyanka was never my fav (even though she still has pretty hair), but this thing is just hilarious. Those deep lyrics, tropics, screw it, there's even the hair flip - can it get any "better"?

Maybe it's those holidays? Even though I can't find a calm spot during last weeks, because it's constantly about going somewhere or doing something like this anime con we had on Friday. It was fun after all and I am always pleased when I can just stand and talk about food. A lot. To my surprise, this hasn't made me more creative :P. Anyway, it was nice to get some Asian styled entertainment since I haven't attended any con for a while (and it doesn't look like I will since fate is not nice for me and the money). Also, it was especially nice to get my hands on Ultrastar at last, though they didn't have many songs that we would know (after all, we've sang SNSD'S "Gee" and I guess it wasn't that bad).

Or maybe it's about gaming? I haven't been playing anything for a while (since I was busy with this anime con and everything). I guess Bioshock 2 is still waiting for me. I now shall give it a proper attention!

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