Friday, July 19, 2013


Do you know that feeling when there is this single gif that illustrates all of your well-being at the time but you can't even find it, so it feels even more harsh? I have this one. It's a single dry bush tumbling through a desert. A single, lonely, dehydrated bush lashed by the wind. That is quite exactly how my imagination feels like when I try writing things lately and it's not fair.

Yes, indeed, I wrote an entry at my other blog about conventions etc but it's not like it was any challenge. Besides, I feel it was rather lousy but, oh hell, it's the best my brain could produce. Still when it comes to creative writing I feel at sea. Therefore, I've abandoned my summer reading list for a while and got myself armed with books about writing theory and literary criticism and I am eating them up like a one crazy scholar and doing a bunch of weird writing exercises because, well:

Actually I don't. Nevertheless, those exercises are quite helpful. So far the best one proposes creating a set of relationships, sets, objects and action and writing short scenes by mixing them up. It sounds a little crappy but it's so much fun. Really! So much fun, indeed. I feel so hipsta because all I'm talking about lately is such literary shit, but who cares. It even gets quite handy, eg when it comes to hosting a random show for 2h - apparently, my best idea lately was to talk about art blocks. And it's only because I read a book about psychology of writing the evening before.

Maybe it all would be much better if I could obtain one of the following: attend San Diego Comic Con or drink a cup of my precious coffee. Ok, it's been only one day since I am trying to avoid it, because in my theory it makes my legs and arms hurt at night, because of magnesium and stuff. I am pretty sure the level of mangesium in my blood is now like -100, since, well, I love coffee so I am the one to blame. Even though, people tell me I shouldn't care so much because I can get a drug withdrawal. At this precious moment I've remembered that the only thing I was drinking for the whole day was tea with milk (so close enough) and that I've basically spent the whole day in the kitchen... making cucumber pastry, dinner, cake and so on BUT STILL it was all close to the jars with coffee. And coffee machine. (I am afraid tomorrow I will hit the bottom and start sniffing the box with the coffee bullets for the machine)

ironically, I've just found it on my drive. What are the chances?

Thor/Allah/Buddha please make me strong so I may avoid coffee at least for the weekend. And make me strong so I can watch all those pretty vids from panels at ComicCon without feeling envious. So far I've seen this first panel of Hannibal's staff  and I felt so happy just seeing them being so passionate about this project. I mean, I know that Fuller is a total fangirl of the whole series and the books and the story and so on, but I got hyperhappy seeing the director being so much into this. It's a great work they are doing and it gets only better. So far I've seen so much love and joy between those creators and the fandom that it makes me proud of being a fannibal :P. Seriously, so much happiness in a fandom of a series about psychopathic murderers - it's as exotic as it sounds.

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