Thursday, July 4, 2013

all you need

An inviting sound of wooden beams cracking under my feet and astonishing lights of the stars above me when I lay my tired head on a linden-smelling pillow may mean only one thing - I am finally home! On Monday I've finally got all my signs in the index book, so I could pack up and go home. Fuck yeah.

Now, it all sounds very poetic - even the linden, but the truth is there are still bills to pay, roommates to find, things to do etc. and the fuckin' linden imprecates an uncountable mass of bees and other little buzzing shit right in front of my room and inside. That means, during a day I practically do not have a room and in the evening I need to transform into a mosquito hunter.

Therefore, I began with implementing my holy mission of reading everything I want daily. Yesterday we've visited my auntie and I kind of got fused with lit. Just look at it.

books + ice coffee = otp
And I don't even mention all those ebooks I still keep on my hard drive :P. Also, the weather is just perfect. The only thing I need to do is finding a shady place like living room, sit and get sunk for a few hours. I feel like I've really needed it.

Of course, reading is not my only entertainment now. I've recently started playing some games. I especially liked Remember Me, because it's all about omg so much fancy technology and I don't even mind that it's quite linear. The plot is fine, gameplay is very intuitive, bosses are all badass and NeoParis looks interesting. Also, the OST - OMG, the soundtrack is simply amazing! All the tracks are so cool.

I've even bought myself a gaming pad, since I was getting crazy while trying to play Tomb Raider - at last, after a few days of playing AC I've fully learnt how to use it. Though, I have a feeling it misses some kind of a joystick or sth since it's not that easy to operate a camera without the mouse and, on addition to that, when you cannot make the camera automatic. (to my surprise, in AC there's no such option!)

I also started writing, right, though I find it hard to concentrate when there is always something to do around the house :P. I just keep telling myself to stop procrastinating and "Why do you care, you are not Shakespeare anyway so it won't hurt to write".

As for now: me-0 procrastination-1.   (even though I've almost finished writing my presentation for next week anime con: still, haven't finished=doesn't count)

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