Wednesday, June 26, 2013

blood on my name

My day today is one big deja-vu because I haven't slept enough last night. It makes my thinking and work very, very slow - I suppose the language will get hurt too, but whatever.

Last week I've had my last exam and I'm still sitting here waiting for the results. I hope I will get them soon so I can go home for some time. I do want to spend some summer home, I miss my family and cats and a room dark at night ;p. Also, I miss not having the last exam on my mind - it was very hard and extensive, a lots of material to cover etc. Basically, when I firstly saw the exam paper I was like:

But, oh the hell, I wrote... something, I left maybe 2 questions almost blank (out of 12) so I strongly hope it won't be a disaster. I am crossing my fingers to get all the signatures tomorrow so I can go home on weekend.

Which means that I am very close to my summer holidays - I will finally have time for reading all the books I've collected for last months, writing all the prose and playing all the games. I've already inaugurated my precious summer by reading Steinback's Tortilla Flat till 3AM some night lately. I have to say, I wouldn't think I may find a story about bunch of paisanos hungry for wine and fun that interesting, but I do. Though, it may be just Steinback's style. Me gusta. Also, I am just analyzing which games do I want to play and I've recently tried Spicyhorse's Akaneiro - I haven't been playing online games for some time but this one is pretty cool and not very complicated (additional points as for me being deja-vu-ed for the day constantly).

Also, I started rewriting my sketches for scenarios and fiction. I have to say, they looked much more organized in my head and on paper ;p. Though, Celtx is a software of Gods. It helps a lot while constructing a story and I am always pleased when I do not have to drown in 1000s of little notes, not being able to find them later (already happened yesterday - I have never been more interested in my notes than during those several minutes of trying to find my sketch), so all I do is just sit and concentrate. And create.

Also, last week I've watched Hannibal's finale episode and I need to write some *feels*. Of course, the most of what I think about the series has been probably said by my personal Will here but I also want to add that I am not only amazed by the story construction but also by the characters, also those who do not stand in the first line. I mean: let's take the murderers. Of course there is Hani, who is all from head to toes in his little psychopathic world and it's obvious he is a killer. Sometimes you just don't know if you are scared of him because he's planning a fancy dinner party with a lot of meat or you like him because of these scenes where he is a positive protagonist. But, apart from him there are also other murderers like the angels-maker or totem pole guy - I have to say with those two I almost felt bad about them and their story made me more sad than mad because of what they did. This is weird, since I watch a lot of crime series and I am mostly like "Oh yes, just chase down this motherfucker, he should get what he deserves, what an asshole". I never had this attitude with these two murderers. Even though I really hated Jacob Hobbs for his murders I also felt some weird kind of sympathy for him. This is the strangest aspect of this whole show too - the good and evil characters are not always perceived as they should be. It makes me think, it makes it hard to sleep at night later, but that's what makes this show oh so good.

Besides the sparkling dinners of course.

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