Thursday, June 20, 2013

more than just a Hat with a plan

Since finals has still not ended this is how my life looks like: learn, write a project, learn, make a presentation, learn, die of the heat, learn, realize your notes are so full of shit, deers, do this:

Then as follow: learn, HannibalHannibalHannibal. Learn and maybe finally go to sleep, although you wish u spent your night at the balcony. 

Of course summer is cool - thanks Thor it's not raining or getting very cold at night so I can even catch some sun on my skin in the morning. Though, the same amount of nice weather makes our neighbors party animals, so every night one may either hear a very unclear bass tune or a very clear and noisy people talk. I don't want to say anything or sth, but it's very rude, especially for the uni students. Besides, it makes me hungry only in the evening, when it's a little less hot so I tend to make very late dinners and so go to sleep later.

Though, it makes me more creative and oh my, yesterday I made such a good salad with grapes and pasta with garlic I almost cried myself how an awesome cook I am ;p.

Also, this blog makes me hungry.

So far I am doing well with the finals, although the exams are kinda stressful, as always. Though, I'm proud of myself getting B on my EU Law exam - those were the hardest classes of the semester but the easiest exam ever (though, passing the classes was the biggest pain in the ass of the last few months). The weirdest thing is now passing the sociological methods classes - it's only 3 ECTS but it already makes me mad: we had to pass quizzes every week (I needed to write one again because the teacher thought I haven't written it), read plenty of hell'a difficult texts, write a FUCKING HARD exam containing 20 open questions AND make a project of a sociological study... which we still have to present today although it's already the exams time (it should have been done before so we get a pass for classes).

And here I am, I passed the sociology exam somehow. Also, it's time to choose MB's paper's supervisors, which again makes me think are those studies right for me.

I chose one name already only basing on what are this mister's academical interests. I have no idea who he is, is he a good supervisor, and, on the top of that, I have no idea whether the topic I am thinking about women organizations is fine.

Oh gosh, I need to finish the exams soon, I start over thinking and an amount of books to read is piling up on my desktop. I have Zadie Smith, King, Steinbeck and Harris waiting for me! Don't worry my precious ones I will be done soon. *hugs the PC and hisses heavily*

Am I getting crazy?

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