Wednesday, June 5, 2013

me & the devil

I remember that every time the summer exams time came I found myself being completely unable to adjust my clothing, shoes, concentration span and the amount of the water drank to the actual state of weather - I have to admit these days I am struggling probably the same problem, although, I cannot fit the weather because it is SO DAMN RAINY.

My shoes and hair are so wet every freaking time I need to leave the flat and go out it is slowly driving me mad. Everything began during the long weekend last week - I hoped for some nice sunny days and the only truly sunny day came when I was already setting off. Of course I love spending time at my parent's house, even though for the first time in my life I had a real trouble eating a dinner there, but I blame watching too much Hannibal.

This show is very weird - on one hand it is very creepy, because of the killers, psychopaths, and all of this,   but on the other it rather makes you feel sad because of the murderers, more than being angry at them. If you wonder how the heck is this possible you just need to  watch a few episodes. I couldn't believe this show's fandom can be so full of rainbows and gay unicorns at the same time watching a thriller series, but now I can proudly say it has the full right to claim all those rainbows... and the amount of inner jokes I make with myself probably got much higher than usual.

Also, Pućka made me watching "Arrow" series. It's really well made and engrossing. I like that it shows the development of the super-hero and the viewer is not just put in the position at which everything is already ready. Besides, the OST is brilliant and it fits the story so well. Although, it's not the main soundtrack that got stuck in my head - though I guess I can let go off this song because there is this fucking rain outside and it feels so British :P LOL.

Also, on the other shows I've watched recently I saw the Grey's Anatomy final episode of series 9 and I have to say... there is a huge gap between the previous finals and this one and it's sad because this final was probably the worst of them all. Nothing new, no mind breaking cliff hangers, old problems repeated again and again.

 The only thing I liked was that moment when Christina need to do a surgery on the heart but the lights went off and she had to listen to the heart beat to know what is going wrong with it. I love her chara but this thing was just awesome. Also, later when she was telling this to other characters I felt so envious of her. I mean, she was in that situation and at this very point she knew that this is the thing she wants to do in her life. I do envy her. I wish I had such a situation in my life - whether it was during hosting a show or a class. Too much concentration on this shitty little issue probably won't help me obtaining this, but I rly would love to experience such moment.

srsly I adore her

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