Friday, May 24, 2013

a qui la faute

Yesterday I found myself in one of the numerous situations when this pic became so relatable I could literally print it on my face. Ok, maybe not literally. Oh, you know what I mean.

We were waiting for our law lecture to start and some of my group was talking about well pretty much normal topics like getting married, organizing weddings, taking internships and buying stuff for their flats and so on. And then I had this great unspoken bound with one of my group mates and she asked me sth like "They are all speaking about this adult life. Are we in the right universe?" and I said "I don't know, I'm going to try out some mobile games today."

And she was like "And I am going to watch race cars."

I have no idea what is happening with this week but everything is so full of absurd. Starting with my sudden realization that even when you're taking Master's course your teachers will still behave like they are very hurt when something does not work their way. That is funny actually because I don't remember this being a problem during my BA course? Maybe I am thinking about it in brighter colors now, when I don't have to spend my all life in that school, but I guess it was not that bad when it comes to implementing own ideas. Idk.

At least it led me to relistening whole Le Roi Soleil playlist and I have to say it fits perfectly learning for law classes.

Oh yes I hear this one in my head when I learn for these classes.

Another absurd caught me yesterday morning when me and pućka realized that even when they ask you to come for an interview later they can tell you they won't accept you for the internship because you are too old. SHIZUS FUCKIN' CHRIST. Too oldFor an internship. In the days when our biggest problem is that 20sths are not getting any jobs! I mean, people, srsly. Who is gonna pay for your retirement? Who is gonna pay for my retirement D:? And then they tell u some shit like it was better to apply for a job in This&That 6 years ago because they weren't so strict about the candidates. It is rly absurd.

And the last absurd, but probably not the least, since the week has not ended yet, is that I got an interview! Yup, yup. At last! After the whole year of sending CVs to each and every language school in this city. I am not much optimistic though about this one but: a) it won't hurt to try b) I rly would like to work as a lg teacher for some time and c) I have a new motto that everything must have some start line, so it'd be a waste not to try it out. Of course the first thing that came to my mind is that I need to take a look at my grammar first and rememeber some metodhology shit but I have almost a week to do so.

Actually, I developed some other motto too, that is actually borrowed from I guess Hemingway? Is that "Write drunk, edit sober". It actually works perfect lately, especially when yesterday we got this idea with pućka so that we write an erotic one-shot. Well, it's true we do write mostly parodies so it couldn't be serious but I rly like it. All those urban metaphors about having sex. Srsly. It's more cracovian than a pigeon eating a bagle.

I haven't given it a second reading yet though. But I will. Eventually.
Just not today.

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