Friday, May 3, 2013

rain sound

Things I should be doing now: probably learning very hard for Monday test; writing: school presentations, essays, my script. something important (or at least keep on planning them);  already printing those essays.

Things I am doing lately: cleaning house; exploring the garden with cats; shopping; reading Castle (has just bought A Brewing Storm ebook and I am so excited to read it) ; making up with my Feedly; baking these crunchy goodies:

Well, I guess I am having a happy May weekend. As far as there is sun and a lot of good foodie I am pretty happy. I am even fine with this boring rain we had yesterday as far as it gave us a beautiful night of storm. Well, I think the fact that one of my fav Korean female singers, Younha, realized a new song gives this week some more positive points :D. I love her voice, I can't stop listening to this:

Although, I think this weekend is making me a little more lazy than usual. I mean, I wasn't expecting myself to work hard when I'm home, 'cause it never turns out to be a good idea. The thing is, everything home got so engrossing I am spending here every minute not even on celebrating being a couch potato. I clean, I wash windows, I cooked the best chicken breast w/herbs ever... and I enjoyed it.

Of course, I am also writing, though I probably should be working harder on this, just like I made a point above. Though, I am pretty close to finishing planning Act I of my script. Hope, it will be ready before I come back to Cracow. Ganbatte me. Maybe I will get the last acceleration after meeting w/my friends tomorrow.

Also, instead of doing anything important I am currently spending my afternoons on playing Bioshock - turning on this game was the best idea ever we could get w/Arasz :D. I love it, I am so happy I can finally play it, even though it's quite old I still can't believe how awesome work its  studio could do as for 2007. It is fucking awesome and I can't wait trying Bioshock 2 soon. I think now I need to add a "writing for WJ" case to my "should be doing now" list, oops.~

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