Sunday, May 12, 2013

just breathe

While answering the question you would never ask, yes I am currently trying to do everything in order not to stay calm and just focus on preparing for classes. That includes even cleaning my desktop, about which lately  I really do not care that much - I must be pretty desperate, hm. 

We're having Students' Days lately so to celebrate this fabulous event we went for a students' walk in the downtown on Friday w/Arasz and Pućka. We've even prepared some bento boxes :D. Owh my, I have to say onigiri with sesame was an awesome idea - pretty much as good as making those miniature tortillas and leaving apple-bunnies in lemon juice mixed with ginger~. I'm getting hungry just thinking about this, oh. We've also made a fabulous dinner yesterday with the greatest no-baking cake ever... which apparently transformed into ice creams and later in the morning to an ice rock, left in the freezer :P. Though, it made a surprisingly good dessert, just combining some cookies, ricotta cream, fruits and whipped cream. Especially when it was frozen (maybe just not to the rock state).

Obvious bento photos, of course.

My sis is having her HS exams this week and it started to make me wonder if I was very frightened about everything when I was finishing my HS. I mean, I probably was and I'm pretty sure I've been freaking out because of all this self-dependence stuff coming up on me from everywhere. Besides, tbh it wasn't that long ago, but I must make a point that I really don't remember it. I wish I could write here something that would tell such high schoolers things like "C'mon, no reason to panic, I've been there, I know it" but I can't really decide on what would it be to panic about or where I've exactly "been". Guess, college got definitely more traumatic than some HS finals after all, so maybe I could write something about this experience. Though here comes another thing to my mind - maybe it's better to leave it a little blank. Beside the fact that  everyone gets different ideas about all this whole uni life beginnings shit.

Gosh, I'm speaking nonsense.

This week I've watched Silent Hill: Revelations movie and I have to say - it's the worst movie I've seen lately. It should be renamed The Talking Hill or The Hill Of Lost Expectations. The plot does not make much sense, the scary moments aren't scary at all - I think even if I would watch it in 3D they can't be much scary to me. To the top of that they transformed The Pyramidehead into some kind of Sebastian Michaelis of the main heroine... and as far as I still have any respect for the series, I just can't get through the idea that one can really escape SH or be raised in this shit. I mean, come on! It should be all about the guilt and some personal hell, not the quest to idk freakin' ghost town. - that's why I was so disappointed by the plot, because half of the movie I was wondering what did the girl do or who did she kill that she's being haunted by SH. Haunted by SH - this thing should already ring a bell in my mind that sth's wrong. Anyway, at least I liked this smooth ending with the opening for the next part of the game. (so I am not that heartless and I actually enjoyed anything)

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