Thursday, April 25, 2013

always do what you're afraid to do

While keeping this beautiful sentence in mind I decided to write a script. Yes, I know it's hard. Yes, I know I haven't had any creative writing classes in screenplay writing. And you know what? I-don't-care. Also, I am fully aware of a fact that I already have a great and lovely draft made by me&pućka just by my hand and it should probably be taken into consideration if I want to write anything. Though, I just have this strong feeling that my idea has to be written down. Also, there are so many lame ideas in this one that I rly should not be afraid that much. It is no serious deal anyway, just writing for fun.

Anyway, I do not want to spoil it much, but I am glad that I managed to create some nice characters for this - and I'm pretty impressed that I constructed the whole story while 2h long bus drive. Actually the more I think about a fabulous talk I had w/one of my friends lately about building heroines the more happy I am (that I did not screw it. At least I believe so). So, since this idea of a script came to me I am having hard days reading all the possible sources about script-writing - I also found some page w/popular scripts and drafts (and it is even more fun then reading about writing).

 At this particular moment I am working on dividing the whole story into scenes - it is very tricky but I read that a good way in which one may cope with that is to write them on small stick notes. That's a lot of work and it started to remain a police whiteboard, I mean like one of those they have on Castle.

Speaking about Castle:

I am SO happy that I found this book in a bookstore! And it's even in Polish! Now I can give it to my mom and auntie to read~. I have to write the translator a nice letter and boast her ego a little bit, so the rest of the series will soon come to the store's shelves. I did read this one already, but I enjoyed it so much I will definitely read it now, since I have some spare time.

Yup, I'm home for the long weekend already. Though it's not all doing nothing of course. I have some plans and I try to stick to them, like cleaning, helping around the house and cooking (omg today I made some chicken w/carrots and it was SO GOOD. I could have write the recipe down. Damn it.) Although, it did not bring any obstacles to sweet wasting my whole afternoon on walks around the house and playing with cats. I can't help it, they are so cute.

And for a fabulous closing, a song that can't go off my mind lately

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