Sunday, May 19, 2013

doggie in the window

The Students' Days easy came easy went - weird enough, that's the first time I've actually had Students' Days during which I did not have to study. I mean, well, maybe I should and maybe I did, a little, but the point is: I did not have to. At all. Oh the joy of not taking English major.

I am amused by the fact that spring has not totally forgotten on how to spring. Say what you will, (yes, I actually use such fancy lexical items as "boohoohoo, say what you will, like a sir") nothing makes one more lazy and productive at the same time as good old sunny days, full of nice, warm sunlight. At least till around 11AM,  when the Sun indeed finds its way to our windows.

So what are the things you can do while having so much precious time and sunny days? Presumably, I would concern doing every single thing to avoid over thinking, like, attend a Museums' Night festival. We went to Archeology Museum, which was pretty cool, although they didn't change much in the exhibition since my middle school times or so :P. Then on our way to Manggha Museum we've spotted this gorgeous night view of the riverside (of course could not be captioned by my camera, but it still looks nice on this photo).

The Manggha Museum was really crowded and it was hard to enjoy the exhibition with all those people around but I'm happy of the possibility to actually get to this gallery, since the last time I've been to Manggha was when I was like.. idk, 5 yo? Anyway, we've also attended a panel concerning geisha's make up and dress - this was pretty fun. Though, at first there was so much people, but later we got some sits at the front so I could even record some movies. I have to say this whole make up thing must have been a torture for this  girl - it took so long and she couldn't even open here eyes - I am pretty sure I would mess it up completely if I was the one to sit there :P.

Which does not change the fact that I still would like to try a kimono someday (and a hanbok too~...).

Do you know this kind of reader's hangover? I mean the state when you finish a book and you suddenly do not know what to do with your life anymore? I feel the same thing after finishing Bioshock 2007. Idk, maybe I get too attached to the hero or the story (or the possibility of keeping telekinesis right in your left hand? That's also possible), but I really feel so empty after the final. The easiest thing to do now would probably be just sitting down and getting my hands on the second part of the game but I don't think it's a good idea, since the summer exams are slowly getting closer.

Oh summer exams, just the reminder of this phrase makes me feel goosebumps all over my body D:.

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