Tuesday, April 9, 2013

it's not all skin and bones

Yup, yup~ That is more or less how I feel lately - not to mention the obvious, that is an urgent need to write in English, as you may notice. Lately I am pretty much afraid of losing the fluency in expressing myself in that language, although I know it's probably the most shitty of shitty fears ever created by the mankind BUT IT IS.

Besides, I hope that writing frequently may help me with writing on other blogs and sites with a similar frequency. I can't even imagine for how long I am currently postponing any serious blog posting... Maybe that is exactly why I feel so satisfied with gathering my thoughts in this way.

Of course, it is not like writing is the only activity concerning foreign language for me. Although if asked whether I want to learn any foreign lg more lately, I answered that I feel like I had enough. Though, it is not like my brain cannot contain one more lg or extend some knowledge about those I already know in basics. Plus, honestly, I am not even interested in European lgs anymore, somehow, but if I had an opportunity to study any lg more I would probably choose French or German. Again.

Speaking of other 2nd lg activities, of course I read a lot and lately I discovered that it's maybe too much. In example, the new season of Games of Thrones began and I was so excited to watch it. However, as far as I rly enjoyed the first ep, I couldn't finish watching the second one, because I remembered all the scenes from the book and already knew what will happen... Of course, not all the things are always represented in those book based TV series but I have never found ANY episode of GoT boring!... I mean, not until now..

Anyway, if it's about TV series when I was home I also watched some eps of Grey's Anatomy Season 9 and I have to say I still find it fun. I didn't want to watch this season because of the terrible ending of the previous one and I already know who died in this airplane crash, which was a rly lame cliffhanger, in my opinion. However, it gets interesting later on~. Maybe I just lack some human drama and complicated medical slang :P.

And the song I cannot escape from lately for the nice finish:


  1. Podzielasz moje lęki XD właśnie problem polega na tym, że jak z czegoś nie korzystasz... to wylatuje z głowy D:
    np. ni cholery nie pamiętam tych skomplikowanych literackich idioms :P

    1. si, dokładnie dlatego przyda się to pisanie - jakoś wcześniej umiałam w miarę zgrabnie pisać co tydzień więc czemu teraz miałoby się nie udać xd choćby dlatego żeby nie wypaść z rytmu.

  2. Ja w sumie pewnie jakbym nie uzywala angielskiego na codzien to bym go w ogole nie umiala xD
