Wednesday, April 17, 2013

i aim to misbehave

Since the weather has already remembered how to spring I feel happier than a bird with a french fry. Lately it was so nice and pleasant that I could leave my jacket home. True, it was 19*C just during my classes when I was actually inside rather then outside, BUT I still could enjoy some spring warm - I thought it will never come. Maybe I am overoptimistic about this, even though, I don't care.

So, lately I also found myself rly enjoying this book:

I watched some of my fav vloggers going on and on about this title and I thought "C'mon I may as well give it a try". Surprisingly enough, it was so nice that the first thing I did was sending it to my friend after reading only some beginning chapters. I have to say it gives a voice to so many issues of a womanhood a part of which I couldn't describe better myself and some of them are still quite unexpected.

One may say, ok Sandberg is an American, here in the middle of Europe is a totally different piece of career and academical story - since those are the chapters I'm currently reading... but tbh it's not that different. I hope it will get translated to Polish soon so I may bring this book home and give it to my not-speaking-English female relatives. As far as I enjoyed the book I think "Lean In" is very clear and simple, so my friends and family would definitely enjoy it.

On the other not-feminism related things: last weekend we made this pretty nice hanami-styled indoors picnic and it turned out great. Here's my pretty spring bento - I shouldn't have put a splited muffin in it since it got other food's flavor, but the sesame omelet was truly a sparkling idea. We have to make this event annual - maybe next time we may get even more kakkoi Asian alcohol (and some real sakura?)~

my cute bento
I guess this whole spring just made me more anxious for colorful food. I could already stare at those bentos more than actually eat them, but my today's dinner is almost artistic. Shiny.

someone should make it a painting - I would hang it on a wall~
I wish I was so productive with other things as I tend to be in the kitchen. I guess it's what they call spring procrastination. Oh... it's called "spring depression"? Owh... Oops.


  1. Zjadłabym to z pierwszego zdjęcia, a potem to z drugiego XD zrób mi takie!

  2. Ja bym sobie zjadla dobre bento, ale niekoniecznie takie co dobrze wyglada, tylko takie, ktore dobrze smakuje... musze sie zorientowac jak Avik robila rzeczy do swojego bento, bo to co kiedys jej podzarlam bylo pycha *-*
