Tuesday, November 26, 2013

honey, honey

On Saturday we went to the cinema to watch Thor 2. I'm getting a strong feeling that this gif clarifies exactly all my feelings about this movie:

I don't mean I'm in any means disappointed, because it's rather the opposite: I feel geeky-pleased and OMG the fanservice scene was worth the headake given by 3D glasses. I just still am surprised of: first of all, all those Frigga feels, because I was not ready for them. I really was not. Secondly, how come Thor became so much more mature and intelligent than even in The Avengers? I don't say it's bad, it's awesome he got more artful, it's just the change is very rapid, IMO. 

Though, he is still not the most brainy chara in the story (we all know whose role is that), but I wonder what made him less heavy-handed throughout the movie, [SPOILERS ALERT] because for sure it was not the Frigga or Loki feels - I haven't seen him being much affected or destroyed by any of those. I mean he did came back to the problem-focused thinking quite quickly and I wonder was it because he is that awesome or because he hasn't believed Loki that much after all (like all the fangirls in the cinema).[/SPOILERS ALERT]

First snow came with cold wind yesterday and I see no "Winter is coming" memes on my tumblr dash, how come? Instead I can see all those weird pics like "Oh yeah we're such a happy couple cuddling in the snow with our obviously-not-warm blanket". Or "Let's cover all the trees in Christmas light because it's SO ROMANTIC" and "Omg white Christams is coming, I'm gonna sit in a thinking pose on my windowsill and drink tea and the cat will come to cuddle and omgit'sgonnabeowhsoawesomewintertime". 

Don't. First of all, I don't remember when we had a white christmas last time, especially in Poland? (I'm not counting the Easter, because it's not what is usually understood by White Christmas). Besides, snow is not fun. It's wet, cold, makes your feet freezing and your butt hurt if you slip on ice. Also, you usually can't spend winter mornings in bed, because you have to go to school or work and winter nights aren't much fun, even with the lights hanging on your trees, because it's more bright than ever, especially if you live in a city.

Since winter is a pain in the ass I feel like I need some more dirty pleasures, so I've finally tried watching American Horror Story Coven and "try" is a good word here. I'm not saying it's bad, it's a little cheesy, but let's be honest here, isn't Sleepy Hollow full of "a little cheesy" moments as well but I still enjoy it? So I've watched a few eps and I'm like, fine, no big discovery, nice to see Americans using the witch trials theme a lot lately, even if it's about a school for witches, but even the charas themselves brought an idea it's almost like a freaking Hogwart. So, at least I've tried it and now I can go and try another series I wanted to check out long time ago that is Orange Is The New Black. I woner if it's gonna be as entertaining as tumblr tells me.

Because it surely does look fun.
Also since I've got pretty much acquinted with all this MOOC shit I've decided to attend one more online course that is in marketing - I'm pretty impressed I didn't get this idea last year, because there's a plenty of MOOCs about introduction to economics, so maybe I would score better at Uni. However, I'm not sure if writing theory will help me at economics oriented Uni, though maybe introduction to marketing can stand for a little help, since I haven't had such lectures at my college. Still, it's a really hard MOOC to take O_O! I'm pretty sure it's still not that hard like that course on dinosaurs that we've applied to with my personal Will, but it is hard - yesterday it took me around 2h to get through all the Week 1 videos and taking notes was mindfucking. Though, the day after I really feel I understand more about what's going on at my Uni, so after all it wasn't a bad idea to try this one MOOC out.

Am I doing everything in order not to take responsibility for a panel at the nearest anime convention?
